I remember this one, sure
'bra-zil'? in what province of Tamriel is that?
bro really got dem apple bottom jeans
Boots with the fur.
man pumps out two comics a day apart and acts like his art isn't that good. my brother in sotha, your art IS good.
Thank you so much!
who are the orange green and purple dudes?
In the lore:
The orange Dude =
the green lady =
and the purple Dude =
Or to put it very simply:
Orange Dude = Gronk Dlamini
Green Lady (or sometimes yellow, because I can't decide what color it is) = Jessica Glinka
Purple Dude = Tony Nelson
Normally, I'd be working on a new story, or even a reboot that would bring all these people together, but writing a story is complicated, my God, but it'll come if I can come up with some good ideas.
And since we're on Newground, maybe it can evolve in any way under I don't know what format, but for the moment, I'm the only one developing this little universe with my characters.
you forgot the uncensored gore, child porn, images of graphic gay sex, lackluster pepe memes, triggered liberals, triggered conservatives, french people, DOOM WADs, and the unabomber's manifesto. sorry, but i'll have to dock a point for that.
Not to disappoint... But I'm French XD
But yes, the non-exhaustive list you made and that I imagine other people have busted their butts making this kind of list once in their lives.
It's proof that yes, the internet isn't for you.
Like the House of Leaves, the Internet is a huge labyrinth where you never know what you're going to stumble upon, and where the most sensitive people with a digital or physical keyboard in their hands can go berserk at any moment.
There's so much content that... yes, this isn't for you, but hey, that simple ""This isn't for you"" always attracts the curiosity of the more inquisitive and take a look at the content in question...
Even when it's not your age, after all, you have to justify being the school rebel and stick yourself with a good trauma or weird fetish like you like, and only on the internet can you find them!
Oh shit, I write too much, I've got to calm down XD
I'm not gay greg
Papa Dagoth is an eternal inspiration 😤
Why stop at the prezzy? Why not kidnap the Taoiseach? Well I guess Mike D is an old fart so it's be easier.
Mickey D*
you have an amazing taste in music bro.
thank you so much for your comments, I've read it all, it's a real pleasure and a great source of motivation for what's to come ^^
Contagious Autism
I also go by Kimchu785
the fairer sex
retarded fetus
School of cock
spraypainting the mecca
Joined on 10/28/21